Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Further visualisations

Filem ni merupakan satu medium yang tidaklah asing-sangat tetapi tidaklah familiar bagi saya. Walaupun kita ni memang peminat filem dan selalu analyse filems yang kita pernah tonton, cara nak menyampaikan cerita melalui medium ini lain daripada medium penulisan dan kewartawanan. Duhhhh..

Film is not-that alien of a medium for me but its also not that-familiar. Even though I am a film buff and I love to analyse them, the way that the medium tells a story is different from that of writing or journalism. (I am genius, i know)

Memanglah saya pernah katakan dalam post yang lalu that a “story is a story” dan beza antara filem dan artikel adalah cara story itu disampaikan. Tetapi sebenarnya, cara story itu disampaikan boleh effect penhayatan penonton dan pemahaman stori itu.

Of course I’ve said in previous posts that a “story is a story”. That the difference between film and an article is how that story is told. But in reality, the way that a story is told will affect how the audience understands and appreciates it.

Becoz kita ni lebih-kurang-first time filmmakers, me and Siti decided to layout structure film kita secara visually. Kita buat ni dengan storyboard di mana setiap scene filem kita ni di-bayangkan dan dilakar berpandukan skrip. Setiap lakaran tu kita atur side-by-side supaya kita “nampak” jalan-cerita our filem.

Since we’re both sort-of-first-time filmmakers, me and Siti decided to layout the film’s structure visually via storyboard. Each scene is sketched out just as how it is described in the script. Once we arrange the scenes, we got an idea of how the film would be “seen”.

Setiap panel di dalam storyboard ni akan lebih kurang sama dengan apa visual yang kita akan shoot dan pakai. Paling penting, ia seolah boleh “preview” filem itu pada crew. So that bila turun shooting, kita dah tahu scene A umpamanya, kena ada elemen-elemen ni dalam frame dan sebagainya.

Each panel resembles what visuals we’ll shoot and use. Most importantly, it will preview the film to the crew. So when we go down on location, we’ll know that scene A, for example, has to contain so-and-so elements in its frame.

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